The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance. Aristotle
The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance. — Aristotle Opus Atalanti Cultural Center exists to promote cultural enhancement of young and old in this special place that was once the Opuntian Kingdom in antiquity. It is our hope that the power of art—whether paintings, photography, sculpture, poetry or fiction—will lead to personal awareness and the transformation from a competitive society to a more cooperative world. This gallery was created by Atalanti native Dimitri Charalambous, a poet and painter and president of Apollo Stone Imports, Inc. His goal in opening this space to the community is to give back to his hometown artistic expressions of the beauty he has found here since boyhood days in his parents’ olive groves. Others friends joined to help with managing the center. My school friend Panagiotis Lambrinidis , mathematician and school principal and my friend Maria Papageorgiou a mechanical engineer. When the center does not exhibit Art work, it’s used a space to offer art lessons to young students in the area by the accomplished Artist, Terry Zikou.
Dimitri Charalambous